
The 数学、科学与工程学院 has a rich tradition of service learning and innovative programs that engage the community.

UIW是科学服务的家园. 通过创造性的项目和组织, SMSE students and faculty alike help to inspire a new generation of science- and mathematics-savvy young men and women.



红衣主教数学圈探索数学的乐趣与K-12学生! The 基数数学圆 provides an opportunity to the students to develop their mathematical thinking skills in a supportive, collaborative, and fun environment through engaging hands-on puzzles and games that involve both creativity and critical thinking.

UIW Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty members and students prepared activities that encourage a sense of discovery and excitement about mathematics through problem-solving and interactive exploration. 数学在每个STEM领域都扮演着非常重要的角色. So stronger math foundation is very important for students planning to pursue career in STEM field as well as in any other field. The 基数数学圆 promotes mathematics to K- 12 students for stronger background in STEM.

UIW’s group is one of more than 200 active Math Circle programs across the country at universities including the University of Texas, 斯坦福和加州大学伯克利分校, 在许多其他方面.



GEMS计划提供免费的《菠菜评级》节目, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) and Programming camps for middle school and high school girls from Title I schools in San Antonio. The mission of the GEMS program is to provide the opportunity for female students and their STEM teachers from low-income areas of San Antonio to attend a free high-quality and high-impact STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) summer camp where they can learn about STEAM study and careers through guest lecturers, 集体活动, and research.

The goal of the program is to increase the number of young women interested in STEM fields especially Engineering and Computer Programming. 为了实现这一目标, the GEMS program is increasing the number of female students choosing the STEM Endorsement in High School. GEMS measure its outcomes using student attendance, GPA, and High School STEM Endorsements.

Additionally, GEMS support miniGEMS and megaGEMS Clubs at select middle school and high schools throughout the academic year to sustain a continuous relationship with both GEMS teachers and their students. GEMS provides financial and technical support for these Clubs to participate in FIRST Lego League Competitions.

The first of the two programs, miniGEMS focuses on engaging middle school girls in grades 6th to 8th. 五年以上, the program has grown into four two-week camps that focus on everything from computer coding and robotics to the science of food preparation. In 2019, 创纪录的198名学生来自三个学区(SAISD), Judson, 和南区)参加了整个夏天. miniGEMS was the first camp in San Antonio for middle school aged girls that had a special focus on autonomous ground, 空中和水下机器人.

megaGEMS主要针对9年级至12年级的高中女生. The program launched in 2019 in part to continue supporting girls who completed the miniGEMS programs and wanted to continue their STEAM education. 该夏令营吸引了渴望探索计算机编程的年轻女性, engineering, 人工智能, 营养与食品科学, to name a few. 超过两次为期两周的夏令营, freshmen and sophomore alumni of the miniGEMS program will have the opportunity to elevate their STEAM understanding. 大三和大四的megaGEMS可以参加为期六周的浸入式体验.



SEMI engages underserved districts from across the greater San Antonio area to inspire students underrepresented in STEM and motivate them to become the next generation of STEM majors and leaders. SEMI also believes in developing a student's passion for STEM careers in their youth and maintaining their interest throughout middle school, 从高中到大学.

SEMI暑期课程旨在提供高质量的课程, engaging and authentic hands-on learning experiences designed to capture students' interest, cultivate their creativity and develop a passion for STEM during critical transitions: from primary to secondary to tertiary school, 一年又一年.

利用基于问题/项目的学习, we create ecosystems of problem identification and problem solving where students experience connected learning across a multitude of disciplines. 这些生态系统帮助学生为人生的成功做好准备, 在一个不断变化的地方上大学和工作, 区域和全球环境.

与老师一起工作, professors, 员工和合作伙伴, we promote the creation and implementation of effective STEM education that results in outstanding academic achievement for all students.

GearHeads圣安东尼奥(GHSA)夏令营是免费的为期两周的STEAM(科学), technology, engineering, 为初高中学生举办的艺术和数学夏令营. GHSA camps were developed as an integral component of UIW's Brainpower Connection and designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students.

The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in STEM subjects, 鼓励他们攻读STEM专业的专上学位, 并最终选择STEM专业的职业.

从2019年的中学夏令营开始, GHSA计划在2020年在一个单独的营地接待高中生, 以向上跳跃夏季研究学院的形式为模型. 然而,由于大流行的不确定性,2020年的营地被取消. In Summer 2021, we look forward to the possibility of hosting the Summer Research Academy. 有关更多信息,请浏览 2019年PBL项目, and the 2019年研究院项目. 要参加我们2021年的潜在营地,请填写下面的申请.


  • 动手实验室经验
  • 研究经验
  • 团队活动
  • 科学实验
  • 有机会与uw教授和研究人员会面和合作
  • 对大学和STEM职业的见解
  • 有STEM领域的经验,包括天文学, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Engineering, 环境科学, Meteorology, and Physics.




The Upward Bound Math and Science program, developed under the Department of Education's TRiO program, is designed to strengthen the math and science skills of participating students. The goal of the program is to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in STEM subjects, 鼓励他们攻读STEM专业的专上学位, 并最终选择STEM专业的职业.


The UIW夏季研究学院,是与 圣安东尼奥学院, 帕洛阿尔托学院, 托马斯爱迪生高中, 高地高中, 和东中央独立学区, and provides the opportunity for students to experience STEM in a college environment and to meet, and work with, 大学教师. 所有学生都参加了4个主要STEM领域的上午实验, and juniors and seniors have the opportunity to participate in an afternoon research project relevant to real world research such as wind power engineering, 人体生物化学, robotics, and more.

  • 动手实验室经验
  • 研究经验
  • 团队活动
  • 科学实验
  • 有机会与威斯康星大学的教授和研究人员见面
  • 对大学和STEM职业的见解
  • STEM领域包括天文学, Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Engineering, 环境科学, Meteorology, and Physics.

由于大流行的不确定性, 2020年的夏令营被取消了, 然而,我们期待着在2021年举办这些营地的可能性. 有关更多信息,请浏览 2019年研究院项目. 加入我们的潜在营地, visit the links above to learn how to become a part of the Upward Bound Math and Science programs at San Antonio or 帕洛阿尔托学院.